So, it's been about six months since I blogged!
Sorry for the lack of posts (meaning ZERO), but we have been very busy! The biggest news is that we bought our very first house and moved to Dallas, Oregon! I still can't believe how it all happened. It seemed that one day we had given up all hope that we were going to find our dream house and then the next day we were in contract and our offer had been excepted! It literally took 24 hours, but we knew it was the right house for us. We have spent the last six months unpacking boxes, getting settled, buying new appliances, meeting new neighbors that have now become friends, adjusting to a new ward (which we absolutely LOVE!) and figuring out how our new life as homeowners works. It is a lot of hard work owning a house...we've already done many fix up/DIY home projects, but we love having a place to call home!
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