The last stop on our California trip was Redwood National Park.
We just felt like we needed to see even more humongous trees and, of course, we wanted to camp again!!!
So the morning after we camped, we got up and we were so excited to go exploring. Our goal was to find the biggest tree. Before we even left our campsite our goal was reached; we found a grove of giant redwood trees. The size of these trees was incredible.

After gawking over the huge grove of trees for like 30 minutes, we decided to go see more of the park and find even more trees. {They are everywhere in this neck of the woods!!!} This is where the plans for the day changed just slightly, but it was in a very good way. As we were leaving our campsite, there was an adorable girl on the side of the road holding a sign that said "North". Paul and I both immediately got the feeling that we needed to ask her where she was going and if we could help her get there. I have never ever in my life picked up a hitch hiker, but the Lord knew that we needed to give service at that very moment. She said her final destination was Seattle, Washington. We told her we couldn't take her all the way there but she was happy that we would be willing to take her to Oregon. We made room for her in the car and then we were off to find more huge trees. As we talked to her we learned that she was from Germany. Paul was so happy because that is where he served his
LDS church mission. The two of them had lots of fun talking back and forth in German. Paul was very excited that he got to practice his German...he doesn't get that many opportunities to do that. We talked about so many things and learned about her life stories and culture. As we reached the spot that we would drop her off, she was so gracious for what we had done for her and she was so excited to keep on trekking to Seattle. She is a brave woman for hitch-hiking the west coast alone.

This was the perfect way to end our wonderful trip to California.
We had such a great time and we know that we will visit the GOLDEN state again someday for even more adventures.
Note: Because our blog is basically a family journal I wanted to document everything single fun adventure that happened on our California trip. I know I'm over three months late in getting caught up, but now I'll have the pictures, stories, and memories to read about in the future. Thanks for bearing with me and the regular updates will start up again soon. I'm so excited for the holidays coming up. Bring on the Turkey and Christmas decorations.